

戴桓青 教授





戴桓青教授共发表40余篇学术论文,以第一或通讯作者身份发表论文于Cell, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., Current Biology, Acta Neuropath. Commun., Angewandte Chemie, J. Am. Chem. Soc.等知名期刊;获5项美国专利(授权美国Thermo Fischer公司,开发为糖蛋白侦测试剂组Click-IT O-GlcNAc Enzymatic Labeling System上市)。

主要贡献包括:(1)在阿尔兹海默病患脑部的神经突触中发现错误折叠的tau蛋白寡聚体堆积,是造成病情扩散的关键毒性蛋白,并与产业界合作开发tau寡聚体抗体用于治疗,即将进入人体临床试验;(2)研究非物质文化遗产意大利名琴与中国古琴的材料秘密,尤其是木材处理与木材老化。获得国际纯化学和应用化学联合会(IUPAC)的奖项肯定,成为国际青年化学家周期表中的磷元素代言人,获得台湾吴大猷先生纪念奖。研究成果获纽约时报、华盛顿邮报、泰晤士报、卫报、英国国家广播公司、澳洲国家广播公司等国际媒体专题报道。现任Savart Journal期刊咨询委员、Star Protocols (Cell Press) 期刊咨询委员、Nature Communications; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.; Advanced Materials; Molecular Neurodegeneration等国际期刊评审。


厦门大学公共卫生美高美集团教授   2021.12至今

台湾大学化学系副教授   2017.08-2021.11

台湾大学化学系助理教授   2012.07-2017.07

美国哈佛医美高美集团博士后  2010.07-2012.05

美国加州理工美高美集团化学博士  2002.09-2010.06

台湾大学化学学士  1996.09-2000.07  


1. 生物分析化学、质谱学与多组学分析

2. 阿尔兹海默症:tau免疫疗法与神经病理

3. 木材与纤维素材料的结构组成

4. 古代乐器的材料科学—意大利小提琴与中国古琴


1. 国际青年化学家周期表-磷元素奖项 2019

2. 台湾吴大猷先生纪念奖  2019

3. 台湾优秀青年学者计划  2019

4. Alzheimer's Disease Postdoctoral Fellowship, BrightFocus Foundation  2010-2012

5. California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program PhD Fellowship   2004-2007


(A)主要著作 (*代表通讯作者)    

1.Su, C. K.; Chen, S. Y.; Chung, J. H.; Li, G. C.; Brandmair, B.; Huthwelker, T.; Fulton J. L.; Borca, C. N.; Huang, S. J.; Nagyvary, J.; Tseng, H. H.; Chang, C. H.; Chung , D. T.; Vescovi, R.; Tsai, Y. S.; Cai, W.; Lu, B. J.; Xu, J. W.; Hsu, C. S.; Wu, J. J.; Li, H. Z.; Jheng, Y. K.; Lo, S. F.; Chen, H. M.; Hsieh, Y. T.; Chung, P. W.; Chen, C. S.; Sun, Y. C.; Chan, J. C. C.; Tai, H. C*. Materials engineering of violin soundboards by Stradivari and Guarneri. Angew. Chemie Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 19144-19154 (SCI, 15/177, Chemistry Multidisciplinary, IF=13.0).获英国泰晤士报等国际媒体报道

2.Yuan, E. C. Y.; Huang, S. J.; Huang, H. C.; Sinkkonen, J.; Oss, A.; Org, M. L., Samoson*; A.; Tai, H. C.*; Chan, J. C. C.* Faster magic angle spinning reveals cellulose conformations in woods. ChemComm. 2021, 57, 4110-4113 (SCI, 34/177, Chemistry Multidisciplinary, IF=6.0). 封面论文

3.Tai, H. C.*; Shen, Y. P.; Lin, J. H.; Chung D. T. Acoustic evolution of old Italian violins from Amati to Stradivari. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 2018, 115, 5926-5931. (SCI, 8/71, Multidisciplinary Science, IF=9.4). 获英国泰晤士报、卫报等国际媒体报道

4.Tai, H. C.*; Li, G. C.; Huang, S. J.; Jhu, C. R.; Chung, J. H.; Wang, B. Y.; Hsu, C. S.; Brandmair, B.; Chung, D. T.; Chen, H. M.; Chan, J. C. C. Chemical distinctions between Stradivari’s maple and modern tonewood. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 2017, 114, 27-32. (SCI, 8/71, Multidisciplinary Science, IF=9.4). 获纽约时报、华盛顿邮报等国际媒体报道

5.Tai, H. C.*; Wang, B. Y.; Serrano-Pozo, A.; Frosch, M. P.; Spires-Jones, T. L.; Hyman, B. T.* Frequent and symmetric deposition of misfolded tau oligomers within presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals in Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropath. Commun., 2014, 2, 146. (SCI, Neuroscience, 28/272, IF=6.3, cited: 69)

6.Tai. H. C.* Role of timbre memory in evaluating Stradivari violins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 2014, 111, E2779. (SCI, 7/69, Multidisciplinary Science, IF=9.4)

7.Tai, H. C.; Serrano-Pozo, A.; Hashimoto, T.; Frosch, M. P.; Spires-Jones, T. L.; Hyman, B. T.* The synaptic accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau oligomers in Alzheimer disease is associated with dysfunction of the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Am. J. Pathol., 2012, 181, 1426-1435. (SCI, 19/78, Pathology, IF=3.5, cited: 228) 2019-2021年ESI临床医学类高被引论文

8.Tai, H. C.; Schuman, E. M.* Angelman syndrome: Finding the lost Arc. Cell, 2010, 140, 608-610. (SCI, 1/297, Cell Biology, IF=38.6)

9.Tai, H. C.; Schuman, E. M.* Ubiquitin, the proteasome and protein degradation in neuronal function and dysfunction. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 2008, 9, 826-838. (SCI, 1/272, Neurosciences, IF=33.6, cited: 294)

10.Tai, H. C.; Schuman, E. M.* MicroRNA: MicroRNAs reach out into dendrites. Curr. Biol., 2006, 16, R121-123. (SCI, 24/297, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IF=9.6)

11.Tai, H. C.; Khidekel, N.; Ficarro, S. B.; Peters, E.C.; Hsieh-Wilson, L. C.* Parallel identification of O-GlcNAc modified proteins from cell lysates. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 10500-10501 (SCI, 13/177, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, IF=14.6, cited: 84) 


12.Bhattacharya, U.; Jhou, J. J.; Zou Y. F.; Abrigo, G.;, Lin. S. W.; Chen, Y. H.; Chien F. C.; Tai, H. C.* Surface charge manipulation and electrostatic immobilization of synaptosomes for super-resolution imaging: a study on tau compartmentalization. Sci. Rep. 2021, 11, 18583. (SCI, Multidisciplinary Sciences, 17/71, IF=4.0)

13.Lkhagva, A; Tai, H. C.* Dimethylcysteine (DiCys)/o-Phthalaldehyde Derivatization for Chiral Metabolite Analyses: Cross-Comparison of Six Chiral Thiols. Molecules, 2021, 26, 7416. Accepted. (SCI, 63/178, Chemistry Multidisciplinary, IF = 4.4) 

14.Cai, W.; Cheng, Y. K.; Tseng, H. H.; Tai, H. C.*, Lo, S. F.* Identification and characterization of wood from antique Chinese guqin zithers. J. Cult. Herit. 2021, Accepted. (SCI, 43/87, Chemistry Analytical, IF = 3.0)

15.Cai, W.; Tai, H. C.* Wood Treatment: The Magic Touch. Strad, 2021, 132(1580), 48-51. (AHCI, 102/110, Music, the world’s leading string music magazine)

16.Tai, H. C.; Chen, P. L.; Xu, J. W.; Chen, S. Y.* Two-photon fluorescence and second harmonic generation hyperspectral imaging of old and modern spruce woods. Opt. Express, 2020, 28, 38831-38841. (SCI, Optics, 19/97, IF=3.7)

17.Cai, W.; Tai, H. C.* String Theories: Chemical Secrets of Italian Violins and Chinese Guqins. AsiaChem, 2020, 1(1),10-17(New Journal, no SCI statistics).

18.Lkhagva, A.; Shen, C. C.; Leung, Y. S.; Tai, H. C.* Comparative study of five different amine-derivatization methods for metabolite analyses by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 2020, 1610, 460536. (SCI, Biochemical Research Methods, 13/79, IF = 4.0)

19.Lu, B. J.; Li J. R.; Tai, H. C.; Cai, W.; Tseng, H. H.; Hsieh, Y. T.* A facile ionic-liquid pretreatment method for the examination of archaeological wood by scanning electron microscopy. Sci. Rep.,2019, 9, 13253. (SCI, 17/71, Multidisciplinary Sciences, IF=4.0)

20.Pei, J. C.; Hung, W. L.; Lin, B. X.; Shih, M. H.; Lu, L. Y.; Luo, D. Z.; Tai, H. C.; Studer, V.; Min, M. Y.; Lai, W. S.* Therapeutic potential and underlying mechanism of sarcosine (N-methylglycine) in N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor hypofunction models of schizophrenia. J. Psychopharmacol., 2019, 33, 1288-1302. (SCI, 75/204, Clinical Neurology, IF=3.1)

21.Tai, H. C.* Tonewood Knowledge in Ancient Chinese Guqin Literature: Cross Comparisons with Italian Violin Research [Conference Paper]. In琴学论衡:2017古琴国际研讨会论文集(重庆:重庆出版集团,2019). pp. 392-403.

22.Wu, H. Y.; Kuo, P. C.; Wang, Y. T.; Lin, H. T.; Roe, A. D., Wang, B. Y.; Han, C. L.; Hyman, B. T.; Chen, Y. J.; Tai, H. C.* β-amyloid induces pathology-related patterns of tau hyperphosphorylation at synaptic terminals. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol., 2018, 77, 814-826. (SCI, 23/78, Pathology, IF=2.9, cited: 20)

23.Guo, Z. H.; Yang, C. I.; Ho, C. I.; Huang, S. J.; Chen, Y. C.; Tai, H. C.; Chan, J. C. C.* Fibrillization of Beta-Amyloid Peptides via Chemically Modulated Pathway. Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 4939-4943 (SCI, 44/177, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, IF=4.9). 

24.Cai, W.; Tai, H. C.* Three millennia of tonewood knowledge in Chinese guqin tradition: science, culture, value, and relevance for Western lutherie. Savart Journal, 2018, 1 (7), 1-24. (peer-reviewed journal on string instrument research)

25.Tai, H. C.* Secrets in the Wood. Strad, 2017, 128(1528), 48-53. (AHCI, 102/110, Music, the world’s leading string music magazine)

26.Jhou, J. F.; Tai, H. C.* The Study of Postmortem Human Synaptosomes for Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurological Disorders: A Review. Neurol. Ther., 2017, 6, 57-68. (Scopus, Neurology  Clinical, 89/348, cited: 17)
