






Greetings from the University of Hong Kong (HKU)!

We are once again delighted to highlight the excitingsummer study opportunities at HKU Summer Institute for your currentundergraduates and postgraduates to pursue new and broadening experiences thisupcoming summer. Showcasing the many academic strengths and partnerships atHKU, our programmes include the course offerings from the Faculty of SocialSciences, Arts, Business and Economics to name a few, and also include aresidential component to complement to their academic and cultural immersioninto our HKU culture. Some highlights of our programmes that will drawthe interest and attention of your students:

Asia as the Global Future

Course period:         June 22 to July 17,2015        

Programme fee:       USD 5,500/ 5,000 (Early Bird)

Residential package: Available to enrolled student atper-week rate

Application deadline: March 15, 2015

Asia as the Global Future focuses on the dynamic EastAsian region, exploring changes in society, culture, economics, politics andinternational relations. Travel to Beijing and Seoul with peers toexperience an engaging, experiential platform that will compare differentcontemporary Asian societies! With classroom and experiential learning,students will witness the connecting trends of human rights, popular culture,and business and economic development within Asia.

Effective English Summer Programme

CoursePeriod:           July 13 –August 9, 2015

Programme fee:        USD 7,500* (Accommodation and social activities included)

Application deadline: March 15, 2015

*Early bird discount available, please visit ourwebsite for details

In collaboration with University of Oxford,Hertford College, this programme is perfect for studentslooking to practise effective communication skills through businessstimulations and real-life scenarios through courses with the No.1 Universityin Asia for the Arts and Humanities (Times Higher Education World UniversityRanking 2014-2015) at HKU Faculty of Arts. The second half of theprogramme is held in the U.K. to help students refine their academic writingand public speaking skills through exposure to British culture.

Management and Entrepreneurship Summer Programme

Course Period:         July 6 – 31, 2015

Programme fee:        USD 7,200* (Accommodation and social activities included)

Application deadline: March 15, 2015

*Early bird discount available, please visit ourwebsite for details

In collaboration with the Centre forEntrepreneurship Learning at University of Cambridge Judge Business School, thisprogramme focuses globalization and its impact of financial management,marketing and corporate governance from highly-regarded lecturers and speakersfrom HKU Faculties and the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. Combining both classroom and experiential learning, students then travel to theU.K. for the latter two weeks to gain a thorough understanding and awareness ofentrepreneurship through case studies and visits.

Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities (SIAH)

Programme fee:            HKD4,500 (3 credits)/HKD 9,000 (6 credits)

Residential package:  Available to enrolledstudent at per-week rate

Application deadline: March 15, 2015

Spend your summer at the Faculty of Arts, also theNo.1 University in Asia for the Arts and Humanities (Times Higher EducationWorld University Ranking 2014-2015).   SIAH offerings include:

·Chinese as a Foreign Language courses frombeginner to advanced proficiency (Jul 6-30)

·Politics and Practices of Creativity:Creative Industries in East Asia (Jul 20 – Aug 7)

·Exploring Art through English (Jul 20 – Aug7)

·English Discussion Skills: Critical Discussionson China (Jul 27 – Aug 7)

·English for Effective Communication inBusiness and Social Contexts (Jul 13 – 31)

Global and Cultural Studies (For non-native Englishspeakers)

Programme fee:            HKD7,500

Residential package:  Available to enrolledstudent at per-week rate

Application deadline: March 15, 2015

This programme not only examines the issues ofcorporate governance, business ethics and cross-cultural management in aglobalizing world but also deals with the challenges in preserving culturalheritage in development and global sustainability. Non-native Englishspeaking students will then enhance their English presentation and writingskills through interactive workshops.

Please see thelink below for our online brochure:


For more programmes for current undergraduates andpostgraduate students, please visit us at www.hku.hk/summer.

We would be grateful if you could circulate details ofour HKU Summer Institute to your students, and should any of them requirefurther details/information do ask them to email back to ugsummer@hku.hk.

Thank you very much and look forward to welcoming yourstudents at HKU in this coming summer.





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